BEI Aronia Berries Harvester, coś o aronii, zapraszamy do oglądania, leczenie kanałowe - DentaFresh. Trwa 2m 58s.


BEI Aronia Berries Harvester.


Liczba odsłon 45813, ocena otrzymana 21, czas trwania: 2m 58s, warte odwiedzenia, niestety nic nie ma.


- Poznaj komentarze, sam dodawaj i dziel się z innymi, jeśli masz czas.
- cost is everything, so $56K is a good price. i am a manufacture and BS in mechanical engineering so i would build my own, but i like what you guys have done. clearly the self propelled option is preferred which allows the grower more plants/acre and improved cash flows.
- the space on plants are 3 feet apart
- That harvester is typically used in 10 foot row spacing. The space between the plants is typically about 3 feet or more, but this a question to ask your supplier.
- It can be used for harvesting other berries such as blueberries and muscadine grapes and others.
- I'm with you. I would also like to know the same infor.
- Is that harvester just used primarily for Aronia berries or could it also be utillized in harvesting other berries??
- whats the space per row and whats the distance per plant or how many plants can i put on an acre
- That harvester is about $156,000 USD today, but we just introduce a harvester that will pick aronia berries that only costs $59,500 USD. It is a BEI Model 1500. It is self propelled.
- how mutch does this machine costs??