Food Forest Plants - 'Aronia Berry' (Aronia Melanocarpa 'Viking'), coś o aronii, zapraszamy do oglądania, domeny na sprzedaż. Trwa 1m 22s.


Food Forest Plants - 'Aronia Berry' (Aronia Melanocarpa 'Viking').


Liczba odsłon 6489, ocena otrzymana 34, czas trwania: 1m 22s, warte odwiedzenia, niestety nic nie ma.


- Poznaj komentarze, sam dodawaj i dziel się z innymi, jeśli masz czas.
- Hey. I have a question. Can you prune the viking shrub if it gets taller than you like?
- I am amazed at how many hidden treasures I hear about that make me think, "this has to be the best food to grow", but then another Is discussed.  Thank you!
- According to the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) various research shows that aronia berry are far beyond the levels of antioxidants of other super- fruits.
Indeed, aronia berries are 172% higher in antioxidant levels than blueberries and 76 % higher than cranberries. see more on
- Hi Dan What does this berry taste like?