ledge, coś o aronii, zapraszamy do oglądania, analizowania i komentowania. Trwa 1m 21s.




Liczba odsłon 8875, ocena otrzymana 222, czas trwania: 1m 21s, warte odwiedzenia, mobilne strony internetowe


- Poznaj komentarze, sam dodawaj i dziel się z innymi, jeśli masz czas.
- Wheels???
- track please
- whats the name of song?
- Fakie Flip Back 5-0 was fucking ridiculous  
- Wow it felt like you were doing a trick challenge and you were easily scratching tricks off of the list!!
- I think..well no i dont think. im sure you r da best.
- right at the 30 second mark.... I popped a woody
- sooo dammnnn gooooddddooooddd
- DUDE ! You're so GOOD ! I try to do actual backside ledge tricks like the flip back tail you did but you actually do them !! So amazing !
- wtf those back smith pop outs were fantabulous
- Kickflip x 100
- sooong?
- wath camcorder
- awesome setup and sesh!
- wow
- It's so fun to watch you fingerboard. I'm excited to get my cowply from john!! It's the graphic you drew. Wooooo
- Nice ledge
- that hardflip nose made me shiver
- the wheel sound is hypnotizing maaaan
- Clean as usual.