Superberries Aroniaberry Gummy Chews Review - Chokeberry - Antioxidant-fruits, coś o aronii, zapraszamy do oglądania, serwis komputerów w Lublinie ul. Fantastyczna 8. Trwa 4m 19s.


Superberries Aroniaberry Gummy Chews Review - Chokeberry - Antioxidant-fruits.


Liczba odsłon 212, ocena otrzymana 6, czas trwania: 4m 19s, warte odwiedzenia, niestety nic nie ma.


- Poznaj komentarze, sam dodawaj i dziel się z innymi, jeśli masz czas.
- Wow you always put out the best products:) I've never even heard of these berries it's shocking to think they can be healthier then go Goji Berries or blueberries. Which antioxidants in them make them better? PS I probably want to eat the real fruit instead of the gummy version just so I get the best benefits, how does the taste compare though?