Nancy Slonim Aronie "Stand In Another Place", coś o aronii, zapraszamy do oglądania, analizowania i komentowania. Trwa 5m 55s.


Nancy Slonim Aronie "Stand In Another Place".


Liczba odsłon 8243, ocena otrzymana 30, czas trwania: 5m 55s, warte odwiedzenia, niestety nic nie ma.


- Poznaj komentarze, sam dodawaj i dziel się z innymi, jeśli masz czas.
- I love the symbol of the clock...the moments in our life...and being honest about them. The good the bad and the ugly. Very powerful to express and share it all.
- :-)
- This was beutiful... I Think I'll Watch It Again! "smile" This was wonderful......
- amazing, there is much to learn here.